Discover how Roto engineers have been working on a wide variety of digitalisation projects in this new video. The projects cover every area from production and logistics to customer-facing technologies.
Roto digitalisation projects make use of technology such as:
- Collaborative robots: allowing workers time to focus on important tasks and relieve them of repetitive work.
- Artificial intelligence: helps eliminate faults in production and detect issues with machinery early, saving maintenance downtime and associated costs.
- Autonomous flying drones: to assist in detecting potential stock errors.
- Driverless transport: making logistics in factory and warehouse areas more efficient and safe.
- 3D printing: helping to meet customer requirements for new products and greatly reducing time to market.
You can also find out how digital technology is used in offices to make processes leaner, faster and more robust, and for customer services such as online ordering, knowledge transfer and training.
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