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We have just issued a new specification for Roto Patio Inowa 400 sliding hardware, allowing fabricators to make smaller sized units. Roto Patio Inowa 400 was initially introduced in order to double the maximum weight loading of the Inowa 200 system and allow sash heights of 3600mm.

Now that fabricators have firsthand experience of Roto Patio Inowa 400 themselves, many have created further demand for the system by asking us to make it cover smaller sizes too. This is because the special rollers of the Inowa 400 system and the rotating locking cams provide an ultra-smooth operation, requiring even less effort than the already impressive Inowa 200. The new specification brings the minimum sash rebate widths to the region of 710 mm or less.

The exact sizes vary slightly according to profile material. Minimum rebate heights are around 1000 mm or less, again depending on whether PVC, timber or aluminium is used. As part of the new specification, two new sizes of connectable centre lock components are introduced. These cover the rebate width ranges of 1061-1260 mm and 1261-1460 mm.

“Many customers wish to supply Roto Patio Inowa 400 as a premium product, emphasising the benefit of the exceptional levels of user comfort, even on smaller sized sliding units. With this new specification, we have made it possible”, explains Chris Cauwenberghs, Head of Product Range Marketing and Market Requirements for Roto Western Europe.

“As well as the ease of use being a strong selling point for end users, the new specification also reduces complexity for fabricators. A window company can choose to hold Roto Patio Inowa 400 in stock as its only sliding system and use it to make units in every size from the smallest to the largest, all with one locking system and one roller type. There are evident logistic and economic advantages to this because it keeps the number of different components to a minimum. Ordering and stockholding are simplified compared to running both systems”.

“Nevertheless, Roto Patio Inowa 200 will remain available because its price point means it still has an important place within the product range. If fabricators are wondering which version of the system is best for their production and customer base, we can help them make an informed decision”.

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