Did you know that in Roto Con Orders you can also download CAD files in addition to PDF and Excel downloads? Here is a step-by-step guide with screenshots composed by Fred van den Broek – Data and Software Technician at Roto Western Europe
In the Dashboard tab you have several options you can choose for a download.
This function is also available directly in the current offer you are working on.
The PDF export is an export of the complete offer, all positions with the articles needed to produce a complete window arrangement, and an article summary list where all articles from all windows (a total of 15 in this example) are added together.
The Excel export is also an export of the complete offer, which contains all positions with the articles needed to produce a complete window arrangement, and an article summary list where all articles from all windows (a total of 15 in this example) are added together. However, the Excel export also contains formulas so it can also be used for calculations.
Finally, we have the possibility to download the positions of this offer in a CAD-file.
Let’s take a closer look. If we choose this option, the position of the offering will be downloaded in a zipped file.
When we open this we get a total of 3 positions. The first is the single sash window; the other two are the individual sashes from the double window, as also shown in the PDF and Excel export.
When opening this CAD file, the drawing is displayed. In this drawing you will find the hardware arrangement for this position with the corresponding article numbers, as also shown in the PDF and Excel export.
All parts are also displayed in the correct positions so that a specific part, for example a striker, can be removed from the drawing. The blue lines indicate the machining position for fixing screws. The green lines indicate the positions for screws that secure the coupling between two hardware parts.
We hope this tip is helpful. If you have any technical queries with Roto Con Orders, please contact your Roto representative and they will put you in touch with someone who can help.
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